I'm going to make this a quick post to share the things I made that I want to share with you all. First, I needed some examples of various electric circuit setups to test my kids on their ability to decide whether light bulbs would light or not in each one. I just could not find what I was looking for. I decided to make my own. I'm so glad I got them done just in time to review the last month before STAAR happens in April. (That is our state testing here in Texas.) There are 40 different black-and-white circuit task cards included in the set, four sorting mats, a recording sheet, and an answer document. There is a directions page with a four different ways of using the cards that I thought of, although I'm sure there are plenty more. I have put the preview picture below. I will give one set away for free from my blog, one on Instagram, and one from my Facebook. Leave a comment below including your email address to enter the giveaway here. To enter your chance to win on Facebook, click here to head over to my Facebook page. Become a follower and leave a comment with your Facebook username under the giveaway post. To enter on Instagram, click here. Follow me on Instagram and comment on the giveaway post for your chance to win. I will choose a winner from each place Wednesday night! (We have a softball game tomorrow.) If you are interested in buying these circuit task cards after the giveaway ends, click here!

Secondly, I said I would share this little Valentine freebie. I know it's too late for this year, but you can always download and save it for next year. There is four quick pages of practice turning improper fractions into mixed numbers. I made it really quick to leave for a sub. Just click on the picture to download the file. :)

This is how my sweet little Valentines turned out, and I have to say I think my students really liked them. We watch CNN student news most days, and each episode ends with Carl Azuz telling puns related to the final story. I think some of them really liked these punny Valentines even more because of that! :)
To see other awesome things made by fabulous teacher bloggers, head over to 4th Grade Frolics for another link-up of Monday Made It! :)