Okay, so Friday was my student teacher's last day. I have had three student teachers, and I am always filled with mixed emotions on this day. I will miss her, my students will miss her terribly, and I am back to doing all things myself with no help at all. Still, I feel like I have one less responsibility, I get my students back all to myself, and I am not being watched constantly. It's so bittersweet. Anyways, I was trying to figure out what to give her for her going away gift, and this is what I came up with. My students all wrote a page on why they love her. We compiled them into a small book that I backed and bound with precious teacher scrapbook paper, and titled it "19 Reasons Why we Love....". I am kinda sad that I didn't get a picture of it, because trust me, it was ADORABLE. I also gave her a gift card. Lastly, I got her a book. I chose The Gruffalo, because it is one of mine and my class's favorite this year. I wanted her to always be able to look at it, and remember her firsties that loved it. We all signed the inside cover, and I got each student to put a thumbprint next to their name. I turned the prints into cutie little animals. They LOVED that I did that, and it added a little special something.

When we were done eating the cupcakes and juice to celebrate her last day, she read both books to them. They smiled, giggled, and read along with the repetitive text in The Gruffalo. It was really nice. I am always searching the internet for information at times like these, so tell me, what do y'all do to say goodbye to a student teacher?
This week, we are finishing up our unit on fact families, and as a test the student have to pull out a domino and use the pips to create a number sentence. Then they have to complete the fact family for that sentence. So, I created this little practice sheet that I will be using in math tubs this week, and in the future to spiral this skill. You can pick yours up for free by clicking on the picture. I hope you find it useful!
Lastly, my students love to color in the hundreds charts to make the mystery pictures. I have made a set of 8 Christmas themed mystery pictures that you can buy for $1.00 here at my TpT store. Enjoy!